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Classical Poetry
Character Sketch of Knight - Geoffrey Chaucer
September 22, 2024

Character Sketch of Knight - Geoffrey Chaucer

  CHARACTER SKETCH OF KNIGHT Geoffrey Chaucer has created a number of marvelous characters in the gallery of his poetry. In ‘Prologue to the Canterbury Tales’, he has introduced as many as twenty-nine characters with their outward appearance and inner intentions. He gives both the personal and general details about his characters hence, his characters appear before the very eyes of the readers. It is generally and frequently remarked that Chaucer’s repute main rests upon the creation of the best character e.g., ‘The Knyght’. Chaucer opens the account of his characters with the description of the most sacred spirit i.e. ‘The Knight’ so that the other characters may be judged in the light of this pious character and thus he makes readers distinguish between good and bad human traits.   “A Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the tyme that he first bigan, To riden out, he loved chivalrie, Trouthe and honĂ³ur, fredom and curteisie.”   Chaucer has made this char
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