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Classical Poetry
Character Sketch of Wife of Bath - Geoffrey Chaucer
September 22, 2024

Character Sketch of Wife of Bath - Geoffrey Chaucer

WIFE OF BATH Geoffrey Chaucer has delineated a number of marvelous characters. He was a poet of 14 th century who created some of original characters which the readers cannot forget. Wife of Bath is one of those immortal and unforgettable characters. Wife of Bath was the product of city of Bath in England. She was a firm minded woman and belonged to upper class of England. She let no one exceed in offering charity. Chaucer has informed us;   “And if ther did, certeyn so wroth”.   Which means that if anyone tried to give more alms than that of hers, she would get angry. She was rich because she knew the art of sewing magnificent clothes. Her clothes were liked and purchased throughout the England. Her character is simultaneously type and individual. When Chaucer informs us about her general details, she becomes representative of all aristocratic women sharing her traits. The writer gives such forceful, elaborate and convincing details about this character that her very pi
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