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Classical Poetry
Grand Style - Epic Poem - Theme of Paradise Lost - Milton
September 09, 2024

Grand Style - Epic Poem - Theme of Paradise Lost - Milton

  GRAND STYLE, EPIC and THEME OF  PARADISE LOST John Milton was a great, prominent and eminent literary figure of 16 th century. It was an age when revolutionary changes were affecting the whole of Europe. Milton was also impressed by these silver linings. With this effect, he wrote ‘Paradise Lost’ in an epic style which embodies a universal theme of fall of man from the Heaven. His poetry is famous among the readers and critics. Raleigh has rightly concluded;   “In the world of epics, Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ has achieved a prominent place on the ground that its theme is of universal interest, never attempted by his predecessors.”   The theme of Milton’s great epic is the fall of man from the paradise on the account of his sin. Milton’s object of writing this poem was to emphasize on the role of Christ as a redeemer of mankind. David Daiches remarks;   “Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ is a story of the fall of man, full of paradoxes of human situations.”   ‘Paradise Lost’ is replete with al
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