English BOOK - II (Heroes)
First Year at Harrow - HERO - Short Question Answerws
September 22, 2024

First Year at Harrow - HERO - Short Question Answerws


11-    First Year at Harrow

Q. 1: The writer says that the examiners ask the questions which students cannot answer and do not ask those they can answer. Is the complaint just?

Ans:  No, the complaint is not just because it is made dull and week student.


Q. 2: What Sort of questions are asked by your examiners?

Ans:  They ask easy as well as difficult question which distinguish the bright students from dull ones.


Q. 3: Why did Churchill not do well in examinations?

Ans:  Because they took a view of his Latin and Mathematics in which he was not well-versed.


Q. 4: How did Churchill do his Latin paper?

Ans:  He wrote his name and then ‘Question 1’ with bracket around it.


Q. 5: Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek. Was it a gain or loss?

Ans:  Churchill learnt English which helped him earn his living which ultimately proved to be a gain.


Q. 6: What good did Churchill’s three years stay at Harrow do him?

Ans:  During his stay, he learnt English which helped him earn his living.


Q. 7: How did the knowledge of English stand Churchill in good stead after years?

Ans:  The knowledge of English helped him earn his living and become a great politician.


Q. 8: Write an appreciation in criticism of Churchill’s views in regard to the study of Latin, Greek and English and their value in earning a living.

Ans:  According to Churchill, clever students may learn Latin as an honor and Greek as a treat. But they must learn English to earn a living.

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1 comment

  1. Hina
    26 January 2024 at 18:54
    Very good