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Classical Poetry
John Donne as a Metaphysical Poet
June 09, 2024

John Donne as a Metaphysical Poet

JOHN DONNE AS A METAPHYSICAL POET John Donne is one of the most intellectual literary figures in English literature. He was regarded and honoured as an intellectual giant of his age. He was an original thinker and his poetry set new trends and won for him the most distinguishing and extra ordinary title of metaphysical poet. He was the central sun of the little constellation of metaphysical poets and Cowley, Herbert, Vaughan and many others revolved around him like minor stars. He led an unprecedented revolt against the old Petrarchan traditions. It is an established and undeniable fact that Renaissance (the gradual enlightenment of human mind and thought after the darkness of Middle Ages) had influenced the Elizabethan poetry to a great extent but John Donne’s works are quite different from the traditional works of the poets of his time. Hence, he revolted against the conventional poetic devices and drew original, far-fetched, uncommon and untouched  conceits and images  to show that
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