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Romantic Poetry
Keats as a Poet of Nature
September 08, 2024

Keats as a Poet of Nature

KEATS AS A POET OF NATURE Keats was a great poet of English literature. He was an ardent lover of beauties of this world. Everything in nature was full of wonder and mystery for him. The objects of nature include the rising sun, moving clouds, glowing buds and swimming fishes etc.   Keats is generally known as the pot of senses and sensuousness is the key to his attitude towards nature. He loves flowers because of their beauty of colour, fragrant smell and softness. He loves streams because of their music. He loves the snow, the moon and rainbow for their visual loveliness. He sees no mystic intercourse with nature as Wordsworth does.   There is ample evidence of his love for nature for nature’s own sake in Keats’ first volume of poems. In ‘I Stood Tip-toe Upon a Little Hill’, we have several pictures of nature. We see the following lines;   “The clouds were pure and white as flocks new shorn, And fresh from the clear brook; sweetly they slept, On the blue fields of heaven, and then th
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