Functional English
Noun Types
October 25, 2024

Noun Types


A noun is the name of a thing, person or place. 
For example;

Chair, Aslam and college are nouns in the following sentence.

(1)    Aslam broke a chair in the college.


A concrete noun is the name of the things which can be perceived with our five senses. In other words, the things that we can see, touch, hear, smell, or taste are called concrete nouns.

For example

Girls, flowers, mangoes and garden are concrete nouns, because they appeal to our different senses, in the following sentence.
(2)    The girls plucked flowers and mangoes from the garden.


An abstract noun is the name of the things that we cannot perceive with our five senses. In other words, the things that we cannot see, touch, hear, smell, or taste are called abstract nouns. We can feel them only. Above all, we cannot measure them up.

For example;

Beauty, love, care, dare and wisdom are abstract nouns in the following sentence because we are unable to tell how much they are.

(3)    The beautiful girls having wisdom do not care about beauty and love with care and dare.

1.1.1    COMMON NOUN

A common noun is the name of a common things, person or place. All things become common when we do not call them with their given names.

For example;

Boys, games and ground are common nouns in the following sentence because their names do not appear in it.

(4)    The school boys are playing games in the ground.

1.1.2    PROPER NOUN

A proper noun is the name of a proper thing, person or place. Nouns become proper when we call them with some given names.

For example;

Aslam, English and Monday are the proper nouns in the following sentence.

(5)    Aslam teaches English every Monday.


A material noun is the name of things with which we make other things.

For example;

Iron, gold and water are material nouns in the following sentence.

(6)    He makes windows with iron, rings with gold and ice with water in his multifunctional factory.


When a number of similar things are taken together and spoken of as a whole, it makes a collective noun.

For example;

Army, team and herd are collective nouns in the following sentence.

(7)    The army found a herd of elephants working together as a team.


                         Concrete                                             Abstract
  Proper                                                        Common 



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