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Functional English
Noun Types
October 25, 2024

Noun Types

1-      WHAT IS A NOUN A noun is the name of a thing, person or place.  For example; Chair, Aslam and college are nouns in the following  sentence . (1)      Aslam  broke a  chair  in the  college . 1.1    CONCRETE NOUN A concrete noun is the name of the things which can be perceived with our five senses. In other words, the things that we can see, touch, hear, smell, or taste are called concrete nouns. For example Girls, flowers, mangoes and garden are concrete nouns, because they appeal to our different senses, in the following sentence. (2)      The  girls  plucked  flowers  and  mangoes  from the  garden . 1.2    ABSTRACT NOUN An abstract noun is the name of the things that we cannot perceive with our five senses. In other words, the things that we cannot see, touch, hear, smell, or taste are called abstract nouns. We can feel them only. ...
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