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Classical Poetry
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales - Full Assignment
June 09, 2024

Prologue to the Canterbury Tales - Full Assignment

  PROLOGUE TO THE CANTERBURY TALES Geoffrey Chaucer was a versatile poet of fourteenth century. He was called the first great novelist, dramatist, artist and character delineator. He rendered undeniable services to the English literature in general and English language in special. Add a topic-related passage here To get a passage of your choice, click below A Medieval Poet      Chaucer's Humour Chaucer's Realism      Chaucer's Humanism Art of characterization      Contribution to Literature Chaucer has introduced  ‘ The Knight ’  in the very beginning of his description on the company of 29 people so that the other characters may be judged in comparison with this most perfect character. Knight is the representative of the whole knighthood of chivalric spirit of the age; “A Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man,    That fro the tyme that he first bigan,    To riden out, he loved chivalrie,    Trouthe and honĂ³ur, fredom and curteisie.” The knight was not only brave but also
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