Communication Skills
Reading Skill - Full Assignment
June 09, 2024

Reading Skill - Full Assignment




Reading is a sound generating process whereas reading comprehension is a meaning perceiving process. Reading does not always involve the understanding of meaning which is pre-requisite for reading comprehension. We often find people busy in reading even when they don’t understand what is meant by that particular subject matter. For example, the Muslims, with different linguistic backgrounds, throughout the world read (= recite) their Divine book ‘The Holy Quran’ and the majority read just for the sake of reading meaning thereby, they just read though they don’t comprehend the meaning behind the verses. Overall, difference is the difference between reading and reading comprehension.


To date, the educational system throughout the world runs on the transmission of valuable knowledge to the learners using multiple sources. The most frequently used source is the printed books. The students learn maximum of their academic content through reading. Therefore, the good readers find their best friends in books. Hence, the importance of reading increases manifold when a man feels lonely.


Generally, readers’ engagement with the text determines the type of reading. For example, in ‘Passive Reading’, the reader does read the text but pays no attention to comprehension. However, the ‘Active Reading’ strategy demands the readers to retain maximum information from the content matter. An active reader may adopt the following reading techniques to improve his reading comprehension.


Extensive reading involves reading large amount of text quickly without focusing on each and every word. Readers may use sub techniques like skimming and scanning to decide whether the content is of their interest or not. Nevertheless, the readers get an overall idea of the whole text through this strategy. This technique is flexible enough to allow reading inside or outside the classroom because the motive behind this type of reading is to wrap pleasure through reading. People love to read novels, dramas, newspapers or magazines for amusement and to develop love for reading more and more.


Intensive reading is done to interpret the text to depth. This technique involves active participation of the reader in order to comprehend the given content. Our educational system primarily depends on this rare strategy of reading which is done mostly in the classrooms. The teacher explains the text matter for better understanding of the readers and in response, the readers try to comprehend each and every word of the given content. Unlike the extensive reading, this skill is more rewarding and productive though time taking.


This approach is all about reading with sufficient speed to engulf maximum subject matter in the least amount of time. Speed reading cannot be acquired overnight. It follows the maxim which says;

“Practice makes a man perfect”. 

The following techniques may be useful in improving reading speed for the purpose of achieving healthy impact on overall academic progress.

3.3.1-         PACING TECHNIQUE

In this technique, the reader makes use of his finger, pen, ruler or cursor to reach each next line on the page. This practice helps in moving eyes focused on only a single line so that the attention may not divert to some other more attractive content on the same page e.g., any picture, bold heads or italic quotes.

3.3.2-         READ FASTER

As a practice, the readers read the same passage twice, thrice or multiple times with a purpose to cover the reading material in lesser time than before each time. This demands rather a faster eye movement across the words in lines.


This involves full exertion of readers’ mind in comprehending each and every word with a single look. The more focused mind does the reader bring, the more comprehension in lesser time he gains. In broader sense, the reader reads a line a single time and does not return to repeat it for interpretation. This saves time which results in an increase in reading speed.


Reading does not go same every time. It is the level of reading that affects and determines the speed of reading. Generally, there are four different levels of reading which Mortimer Adler has presented in his famous writing ‘How to Read a Book’.


Usually, the learners at school read at elementary level. At this level, the learners tend to read the text, word by word, exchanging difficult words with their easy synonyms. In some cases, they stuck at every new word, learn how to pronounce it, seek its translation and then move to the next. This is a time taking process which affects the reading speed adversely. 

At times, you might have seen someone reading with moving lips producing no sound. It happens when some advanced learner finds the text too difficult or is encountered by some new and incomprehensible vocabulary items. In both cases, the speed of reading is affected.


When a new book is introduced, the learners observe the cover, go through the table of contents and cast a glance at chapters. At this level, pages after pages are turned with a focus on the headlines, quotes, bold characters and eye-catching pictures. People around assume that the learner is reading but the fact is that he reads without comprehension which renders the reading incomplete.

Through this process, the learner tries to perceive what the book or chapter is about? No effort is made to reach finer details rather it helps collecting superficial exposure of the book only. This level is adopted by the learners who know how to skim a book in no time. This does not mean that it is a reading-rate improving technique. But the fact is that it ignores the basic element ‘comprehension’ of reading which asks time. Overall, this level is for the learners who are interested in getting a general idea of a text.


This level makes the readers travel from general to particular that is, a shift from 2nd level to 3rd level (Analytical reading). The logan of this level says;

“Comprehension is preferable to time”. 

Though better focus, critical thinking and analysis of writer’s message behind the words contribute to slower the speed yet the main target of reading is achieved i.e., comprehension. At this level, the learners become able enough to form their own opinion on the topic, prepare brief notes and confidently appear in comprehension exams.


This level opens a new panorama of reading activity on the readers. The reading extends from one book, as is done at 3rd level, to several topic related books. Sometimes, reading goes beyond the books in order to comprehend a topic to depth.

At this level, the learner becomes able to critique different facts, theories, ideas and opinions and subsequently put forward a new theory of one’s own which is the real outcome of syntopical (pertaining to a type of analysis in which different works are compared and contrasted) level.

To conclude, we may say that reading skills are very important which help us gain knowledge, understand the ideas, notions and thoughts and go on in our daily life with better conduct.

1 comment

  1. Shabnam Irshad
    Shabnam Irshad
    1 February 2024 at 19:32
    Your patience and dedication make you one of the best teacher we ever had.......