English Book - II (BOOK - I)
The Dying Sun - Short Stories - Short Question Answers
October 25, 2024

The Dying Sun - Short Stories - Short Question Answers


Q. 1: How is it that a star seldom finds another star near it?

Ans: The distances between the stars are really great. Therefore, a star seldom comes near another.


Q. 2: What happened when, according to Sir Jeans, a wandering star, wandering through space, came near the sun?

Ans: It raised tides on the surface of the sun.


Q. 3: What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer?

Ans: The immense tidal wave rose higher and higher.


Q. 4: What are planets and how did they come into existence?

Ans: The planets star the moving apace when a moving star came near the sun and immense the tidal wave which broke to make the planets.


Q. 5: Why is there no life on the stars?

Ans: Because the stars are extremely hot.


Q. 6: Write a note on the beginning of life on the earth.

Ans: It started from humble beginning which grew more complex to produce human beings in the end.


Q. 7: Why is the universe, of which our earth is a part, so frightening? Give as many reasons as you can.

Ans: The universe is frightening because of immense distances stretches of time and our extreme loneliness in the world.


Q. 8: What, in your opinion, should be the conditions necessary, for the kind of life we know to exist on other heavenly bodies? Do such conditions generally exist?

Ans: Moderate temperature, air and water are necessary for life such condition do not exist on any another on any another Planet.

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