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Functional English
Verb Types
October 25, 2024

Verb Types

  1-      What is a Verb Generally speaking, the word ‘verb’ is a  noun , being the name of a grammatical category. It tells us about some happening with the subject (1) or action of the subject (2); and by action we mean activity.  For example; (1)   Tom grew old.            (Happening= taking place spontaneously) (2)    Bob reads a book.                (Action= done by someone) Verb is one of the eight parts of speech in English. It remains the integral part of almost every  sentence  construction because people either express the activities they do (action) or describe the events that befall them (happening) and these both collectively make the skeleton of main verb. 2-      MAIN VERB The main verb is what we know as verb. Simply, verb and main verb are two names of same thing which shows an action (ac...
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