Communication Skills
Technical Report Writing - Compact & Pithy Assignment
August 25, 2024

Technical Report Writing - Compact & Pithy Assignment


Technical reports are generally written after a project (research, or construction etc.) has come to an end. Such reports present the whole of a project, in a technical way, undertaken by some author or organization. The content of a report is arranged keeping in view purpose of its writing. However, the following break up seems the most common.


The matter which precedes the main content of a report finds expression in this section. It gathers all report related information which provides a guide to its readers on the name of creator, the organizing bodies involved and type of the project.

1.1      Cover

A cover is an optional component which is designed on demand. It works simultaneously as a protector for paper printed reports and an identifier of the organizing body of the project. It includes the name of performing agency, report number, date of publication, title and name of creator on the front side and an indication of International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) on the back side of cover. The content is aligned with the left margin.

1.1.1  Report Number

Each report holds a number which makes it unique in the shelf. Usually, a report number is composed of alphanumeric report code (containing alphabets, numbers and symbols).

1.1.2  Title

A total substance of a report mirrors through its title. A concise and pithy title always begins with ‘Report on …..’ which distinguishes it from the documents of other types.

1.1.3  Author

A creator of a report is one who compiles a report and has capacity to defend its content before a panel of peers. In educational research projects, the creator is recognized as author. The author’s name appears on the cover and title page. In case of multiple authors, the primary author is identified first.

1.1.4  Performing and Sponsoring Organizations

A performing organization conducts research whereas a sponsoring organization provides funding for its execution. In some cases, the performing and sponsoring organizations may be the same. However, in other cases, the name of performing organization follows the name of sponsoring organization with complete addresses of the both.

1.2      Title Section

Same information presented in the cover is repeated in the title section but this time aligned with the right margin. However, it requires the placement of identification of sponsoring and performing organizations on different places with a description of their respective responsibilities, in case both are different entities.

1.3      Abstract

An abstract presents an overall view of a report within a limit of 150-200 words whereas a detailed content opens up in the body of a report. This required section presents information on the purpose, scope, method, findings, conclusions and recommendations in a concise manner. An abstract does not contain any symbols, abbreviations or acronyms.

1.4      Table of Contents

This required section identifies where the key points of a report are located. Main headings are listed with their particular page numbers which provides the reader with the organization of the whole report.

1.5      Preface

A preface is an introductory statement which reads the purpose and significance of a report and acknowledges the contribution of individuals other than the authors of the report. It also announces why and whom the report has been designed for. 


It is the section which contains the actual content of a report. It frames the bulky structure of a report in that its each component makes a complete chapter.

2.1      Summary

This important section illuminates the key points of a report for its management level audience. Its basic function is to provide the decision makers, who are not interested in reading the entire report, with an understanding of problem and major findings of the research. Add to this, you recapitulate the purpose and significance of the study, methods, conclusions and recommendations to pregnant this section.

2.2      Introduction

An introduction introduces the purpose, scope, and literature review of a study or project. The purpose indicates why a study was carried out whereas the scope shows the limitations of a project. Review of the literature is all about the historical background of a study. However, research results, conclusions and recommendations are not included in this section.

2.3      Methods and Procedures

This required section elaborates how investigation was carried out. It explains the methods and procedures used in attaining the results. Hence, it includes a detailed description on the type of sample, apparatus and instruments and the statistical data analysis techniques used in research.

2.4      Results and Discussions

Results and discussion can be treated as a single or two separate sections of a report. The results interpret the findings whereas the discussion accounts for accuracy and significance of the results.

2.5      Conclusions

A conclusion expounds the essence of what is the outcome of discussion section. It describes the implications of the study results in a few pithy sentences. The author may include his opinions and recommendations and conclusions from similar or same studies.

2.6      References

This conditional section is the last section of a report which necessarily begins on a new page. The references include the name of author, title of work and publication data in a logical sequence which differs in the source of citation (journal, book, conference proceedings or report). 


Back matter provides supporting data that helps demystify the obscure content of main body of a report. Each section (appendices, glossary and index) performs its function well enough to keep the body matter of report short and thus, make it easier to engulf.

3.1      Appendices

Appendices are placed next to references. Each appendix begins on a new page with a title below the appendix designation (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.). Appendices include tests and questionnaires, figures, graphs and tables of secondary importance. The accepted practice of discipline allows figures to appear before graphs.

3.2      Glossary

Glossary sets forth difficult terms used in the main content of report in alphabetical order. Each term follows its definition and explanation to facilitate the reader on comprehension of the report.

3.3      Index

An index is a listing of all topics to help facilitate direct approach to a particular topic or page. In particular, each entry is indexed with a heading and its locator. Indexes are of many types e.g., subject, name, number and code index. The most commonly used is the subject index where entries are listed in alphabetical order.

1 comment

  1. Shabnam Irshad
    Shabnam Irshad
    2 February 2024 at 07:30
    Very important topic in terms of exam's point of view....