Novel (Mr. Chips)
Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 2 - Short Q & A
June 09, 2024

Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 2 - Short Q & A



James Hilton


Q.1     Describe the building of Brookfield.

Ans:    It was a group of 18th century building with vast play grounds.



Q.2     What kind of people did Brookfield supply?

Ans:    Brookfield produced judges, merchants, squires and members of parliament.



Q.3     What was presented to Mr. Chips on his retirement?

Ans:    He was presented with a writing desk, a cheque and a clock.



Q.4     What were Chips’ ambitions as young man?

Ans:    He was ambitious enough to be a headmaster at Brookfield.



Q.5     What was Chips’ status at Brookfield at fifty and at sixty?

Ans:    At fifty, he was the senior most member of staff and at sixty, he himself became Brookfield.


These questions have been chosen very carefully keeping in view their number of occurrence in the previously conducted exams.

You may access other chapters as well

1            2            3            4            5 – 6      7            8            9            10          11              12

13    14          15          16          17          18



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