Novel (Mr. Chips)
Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 3 - Short Q & A
June 09, 2024

Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 3 - Short Q & A



James Hilton



Q.1     Who was Mrs. Wickett?

Ans:    She was the owner of the house where Chips lived.



Q.2     How did Chips welcome the new comers?

Ans:    He used to invite them to tea and offer walnut cake.



Q.3     Who was Major Collingwood? Why did Mr. Chips punish him?

Ans:    He had been a student of Mr. Chips who was punished for climbing on the roof of gymnasium.



Q.4     What was the financial condition of Mr. Chips after retirement?

Ans:    His position was adequate and he could afford everything he liked.


The number of questions are as less as may be prepared easily. Each chapter has different number of questions ranging from two to seven but each question is of vital significance from examination point of view.

You may access other chapters as well

1            2            3            4            5 – 6     7            8            9            10          11              12

13    14          15          16          17          18




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