Novel (Mr. Chips)
Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 4 - Short Q & A
June 09, 2024

Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 4 - Short Q & A



James Hilton



Q.1     How did Mr. Chips come across Katherine Bridges for the first time?

Ans:    While climbing on Great Gable, Chips noticed Catherine waving her hand excitedly.



Q.2     What was Chips’ idea about women? Or How did Chips feel about the modern women?

Ans:    Chips did not like the freedom and newness of modern women.



Q.3     What were Katherine’s ideas/political views?

Ans:    She wanted women to have right for vote and place in universities.



Q.4     Who was Katherine Bridges? Or Describe Katherine Bridges’ physical grace.

Ans:    She was a governess. She had blue eyes and smooth hair.


The answers to the questions are very easy and short. The questions have been selected very carefully keeping in view their importance from examination point of view.

You may access other chapters as well

1            2            3            4            5 – 6      7            8            9            10          11              12

13    14          15          16          17          18



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