Novel (Mr. Chips)
Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 8 - Short Q & A
June 09, 2024

Good-Bye, Mr Chips - Chapter 8 - Short Q & A




James Hilton



Q.1     What did Chips receive on first April?

Ans:    He received many letters containing blank sheets on first April foolery.



Q.2     Describe Catherine’s tragic death? Or When and how Catherine die?

Ans:    She died on 1st April 1898 during child birth.



Q.3     Who was Faulkner and what did he ask Chips? What was reply of Chips?

Ans:    Faulkner was a small boy who asked Chips go to station to meet his guests. But Chips replied, “I cannot go, my wife and child are dead, I wish I were dead myself.”                            

These questions are very important from examination point of view. No frivolous question has been added in this selection. Get ready to achieve higher grades with fewer Question Answers

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