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English BOOK - II (Heroes)
Mustafa Kamal - HERO - Short Question Answers
July 01, 2024

Mustafa Kamal - HERO - Short Question Answers

Lesson 15 MUSTAFA KAMAL Wilfrid F. Castle   Q.1     What was the attitude of the Turkish government towards the Allies after World War I ? Ans:  The Turkish Government welcomed and cooperated with the Allies and ensured cease fire.     Q.2     Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia? Ans:     Mustafa Kamal was sent to Anatolia to crush the revolt against the Allies.     Q.3    What was the reaction of the Turkish patriots to the intention of the Allies to partition the Ottoman Empire? Ans:   The Turks were angry at the bad intentions of the Allies.     Q.4     Write a note on Mustafa Kama’s activities in Anatolia? Ans:  Mustafa Kamal built up National Army of the patriots and established a new government there.     Q.5     Why did Mehmet ordered Mustafa Kamal to return to Constantinople? Ans:  Mehmet ordered Mustafa Kamal to return when he heard of Mustafa Kamal’s new government.     Q.6     What was Mustafa Kamal’s reply? Ans:    Mustaf
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