English Book - II (BOOK - I)
MY FINANCIAL CAREER - Short Stories - Short Question Answers
October 25, 2024

MY FINANCIAL CAREER - Short Stories - Short Question Answers

Lesson 7


Stephen Leacock


Q. 1: What light do the following expression throw on Leacock’s state of mind when he entered the bank: ‘looked timidly round’, ’shambled in’?

Ans: Both the expressions throw light on distrustfulness and fearfulness of Leacock’s mind.


Q. 2: Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?

Ans: Leacock’s strange behavior and doubtful manners showed to the manager that he had an awful secret to reveal.


Q. 3: What was the attitude of the manager towards Leacock on learning that he only wished to deposit 56 dollars in the bank?

Ans: The manager got up angrily, opened the door and asked the clerk to open his account.


Q. 4: What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager’s office?

Ans: He entered the safe, he wrote 56 instead of six.


Q. 5: After this misadventure in the bank where did Leacock keep his money?

Ans: He used to keep his savings in a sock.


Q. 6: Give us many examples as you can to show that Leacock was feeling completely lost in the bank all the time he was there.

Ans: He met the manager to open an account. He wrote 56 instead of six.



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