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Modern Drama
Importance of the Title 'A Doll's House' by Henric Ibsen
September 22, 2024

Importance of the Title 'A Doll's House' by Henric Ibsen

  IMPORTANCE OF THE TITLE ‘A DOLL’S HOUSE’   Henric Ibsen is the writer of a marvelous play ‘A Doll’s House’. He was a great prominent and eminent literary figure of Modern age. He has written about social problems and especially about the problems faced by the women. Therefore, he is sometimes misunderstood as a feminist writer. ‘A Doll’s House” means that all the people who live in Torvald Helmer’s residence are being treated like dolls even we cannot spare Torvald himself. Torvald plays with his family members as if they were dolls. He interacts with his family members and ignores them according to his mood and choice just as a child does when she plays with her dolls. He treats with his wife as a doll. In short, he has created an atmosphere in his house that resembles a doll’s house generally. Torvald maintains an office at home. He uses his office to hide himself away from his family when he does not want to interact with them. He comes out of his office only when he desires, aspi
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