Henrik Johan Ibsen (1828-1906) was a great and prominent playwright of 20 th century. His plays deal realistically with psychological and social problems. His themes are mainly concerned with the topics like women’s position in marriage and society, hypocrisy in women, relationship between truth and justice, freedom and duty etc. ‘A Doll’s House’ is a protest against fatally false view of women that turns marriage into a bargain between a beautiful slave and a kind slave owner. Ibsen has delineated the character of Nora in order to justify his point of view. Through a story of three days in which the action passes through, Nora develops from a child to woman and the writer gets a chance to expose a number of realities pertaining to married life and the role of woman as a better half in the drama of so called happy married life. In ‘A Doll’s House’, Nora’s husband’s health suffers badly and she needs money to get her husband well soon. Her husband (Torvald) is a very ho...
October 23, 2024
'A Doll's House' A Feminist Play with Social Realities
Henrik Johan Ibsen (1828-1906) was a great and prominent playwright of 20 th century. His plays deal realistically with psychological and social problems. His themes are mainly concerned with the topics like women’s position in marriage and society, hypocrisy in women, relationship between truth and justice, freedom and duty etc. ‘A Doll’s House’ is a protest against fatally false view of women that turns marriage into a bargain between a beautiful slave and a kind slave owner. Ibsen has delineated the character of Nora in order to justify his point of view. Through a story of three days in which the action passes through, Nora develops from a child to woman and the writer gets a chance to expose a number of realities pertaining to married life and the role of woman as a better half in the drama of so called happy married life. In ‘A Doll’s House’, Nora’s husband’s health suffers badly and she needs money to get her husband well soon. Her husband (Torvald) is a very ho...
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