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History of English Literature
Complete History of English Literature (on a single page)
September 16, 2024

Complete History of English Literature (on a single page)

  History of English Literature The whole history of English Literature has been divided into six main Eras (in bold letters) which have further been dissected into their respective sub divisions, for convenience. The time period mentioned with each main era determines the range (though exceeds the time period mentioned in sub-division) of its impact on the literary tendency. For example, though the Medieval age ends on 1400 but the influence of Medievalism continued until 1516. 1-     MEDIEVAL    (650 – 1516) Anglo-Saxon 650 – 1066 Caedmon, Cynwulf Norman Age 1066 – 1350 Villon Age of Chaucer 1350 – 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer, Langland, Caxton, Malory, Gower, Wycliffe   2-     RENAISSANCE        (1516 – 1660) Renaissance 1400 – 1578 Caxton, Malory, Machiavelli, Marlowe, Montaigne Eliz
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