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History of English Literature
Salient Features of Medieval, Renaissance, Classical and Romantic age
September 16, 2024

Salient Features of Medieval, Renaissance, Classical and Romantic age

  COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FEATURES OF MEDIEVAL, RENAISANCE, CLASSICAL AND ROMANTIC AGE Writers belonging to a particular age reflect the prevalent features of their contemporary society in their writings. The most salient features of 4 different ages have carefully been extracted and presented below in order to facilitate the understanding of general tendencies of the writers of their time.   FEATURES OF MEDIEVAL AGE   Chivalry Romance Ignorance Love for combats   Prevalence of superstitions Emphasis on temporal things Decay of mighty institutions of church Humanism– All are human beings – High or low, rich or poor Custom of pilgrimage Religious controversies Intellectual abnormality Political deformity Moral laxity Use of allegory (a story having two shades of meaning) in literary works   FEATURES OF RENAISSANCE AGE Love for love Love for travel Love for music Love for nature    Love for mankind Love for adventure Love for knowledge Love for
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