Postcolonial Literature
'Things Fall Apart' | Short Story of the Novel | Chapter 16 - 20
February 21, 2025

'Things Fall Apart' | Short Story of the Novel | Chapter 16 - 20



(Chinua Achebe)

Chapter 16

Two years later, Obierika comes to Mbanta again with another sad story for Okonkwo. He informs that some white missionaries (the preachers) arrived in Umuofia, built their church and converted a few villagers to their faith. The leaders believed that the converts were efulefu, worthless and weak people.

Obierika added that Okonkwo’s son ‘Nwoye’ was with the missionaries. On asking, Nwoye replied that he was "one of them." When asked about his father, Okonkwo, Nwoye replied that "he is not my father."

At this, Nwoye’s mother spoke and told: Six villagers and a white man came here in Mbanta. The white man, with the help of an Igbo interpreter, preached the concept of one God in Chirstian faith. When he called Igbo gods of stone and wood as false, all villagers left except Nwoye. Perhaps, he had found satisfactory answers to his questions on irrational killing of twins and Ikemefuna in the jungle.

Chapter 17

On the demand of the preachers, the leaders of the clan gave a piece of land from the Evil Forest, the cursed land where evil doers were buried, to build their church. According to Igbo tradition, the missionaries will die in a few days in the Evil Forest.

But nothing untoward happened. Rather missionaries succeeded in converting a woman, pregnant and previously the mother of four sets of twins abandoned in forest, to Christianity. Nwoye started visiting Church regularly. His father beat him severely. Nwoye left home and never returned since then.

Chapter 18

The outcasts of Mbanta were not allowed to live in the villages. They were not allowed not get marry any of the village women. They could not get their hair cut and were buried in the Evil Forest. The white man allowed the outcasts to join the church. They became more dedicated to the new religion which protected them from every angle.

Chapter 19

Okonkwo feels that his seven years of exile have been wasted. He could have risen to higher status if he had been in Umuofia during those years. As the last year of his banishment starts, Okonkwo requested his friend Obierika to build two huts for his arrival. He decides that his family will build the rest of huts when they reach Umuofia.

When the time of their return to Umuofia approaches, Okonkwo’s family worked together and prepared a grand feast for Okonkwo’s mother kinsmen in Mbanta in a gesture to show their gratitude for all kindness they received during seven years. They prepared vegetables, meat of goats and fowls.

Uchendu was honored as the oldest man at the feast. According to the tradition, he broke the cola nut and prayed for them. They drank wines and thanked Okonkwo’s family for such a delicious feast. Then Uchendu addressed them all and showed his apprehensions about the arrival of Christians who have broken into the family bonds and drifted the village into two parts i.e., the clans and the converts.

Chapter 20

On his way to Umuofia, Okonkwo is thinking about building two extra huts for his two new wives. He is much disappointed for Nwoye has joined Christianity however, he is hopeful that his other five sons will uplift his name. Okonkwo is proud of his daughters especially Ezinma who has grown into a beautiful young girl.

Many suitors in Mbanta asked for her hand but she refused because she knew that her father will choose her husband from Umuofia. She is so thoughtful that she also guided her half-sister Obiageli to do the same.

On his return, Okonkwo realized that every thing has changed in his home village. A number of men including respected people have accepted Christianity. The white men have established their own government and court of law in Umuofia. They have built their prisons for the culprits.

Obierika tells Okonkwo how the white men have recently destroyed a neighbouring village over a dispute on mere a piece of land.

Visit Page: Chapter 01 - 05    Chapter 06 - 10
Visit Page: Chapter 11 - 15    Chapter 16 - 20
Visit Page: Chapter 21 - 25                             

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