THINGS FALL APART (Chinua Achebe) Chapter 21 The Europeans started exporting palm-oil and palm nut kernels from Umuofia. The missionary leader, Mr. Brown, was a thorough gentle man. His gentle behaviour had compelled the clans to listen his voice. He urged the Umuofians to send their children to his newly established school. Consequently, the number of converts increased to double during his campaign. But now, he has grown weak and decides to return to his homeland. Before leaving to Europe, Mr. Brown meets Okonkwo and tells him that his son’s new name is ‘Issac’ and is going to a nearby college for studies. Okonkwo drives the missionary out and orders him never to return. Rapidly changing system of Umuofia depresses Okonkwo deeply and the sight of fierce Umuofians growing ‘Soft like Women’ break his heart. He mourns for the clan, "which he sees breaking up and falling apart" — a phrase that recalls the title of this book.
February 21, 2025
'Things Fall Apart' | Short Story of the Novel | Chapter 20 - 25
THINGS FALL APART (Chinua Achebe) Chapter 21 The Europeans started exporting palm-oil and palm nut kernels from Umuofia. The missionary leader, Mr. Brown, was a thorough gentle man. His gentle behaviour had compelled the clans to listen his voice. He urged the Umuofians to send their children to his newly established school. Consequently, the number of converts increased to double during his campaign. But now, he has grown weak and decides to return to his homeland. Before leaving to Europe, Mr. Brown meets Okonkwo and tells him that his son’s new name is ‘Issac’ and is going to a nearby college for studies. Okonkwo drives the missionary out and orders him never to return. Rapidly changing system of Umuofia depresses Okonkwo deeply and the sight of fierce Umuofians growing ‘Soft like Women’ break his heart. He mourns for the clan, "which he sees breaking up and falling apart" — a phrase that recalls the title of this book.
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