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Modern Drama
'A Doll's House' | A Symbolic Play
September 22, 2024

'A Doll's House' | A Symbolic Play

SYMBOLISM IN ‘A DOLL’S HOUSE’ Henrik Johan Ibsen was a great dramatist of 20 th century who penned a number of grand masterpieces which emerged on the firmament of the English Literature as bright stars. ‘A Doll’s House’ contains a score of multifarious qualities and features. Symbolism is the quality in this masterpiece that has won wide acclaim all over the world. Christians take Christmas as an important family celebration. But in ‘A Doll’s House’, Christmas day is working as an anti-climax.   Nora: “Oh, do! Dear Torvald; please, please do! Then I will wrap it in a beautiful glitter paper and hang it on the Christmas tree. Wouldn’t that be fun?”   At the beginning of the play, on Christmas Eve, Nora is believing her marriage to be happy. She brings a Christmas tree and insists that it should be kept hidden until she decorates it completely. The matter of fact is that there are some hidden aspects of the life symbolically presented. The life this household is not as Nora
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