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English Prose
'Past and Present' by Carlyle
September 22, 2024

'Past and Present' by Carlyle

PAST AND PRESENT Carlyle was a writer of Victorian age. ‘Past and Present’ was published in 1843. In this book, he compares his own time with the past. He speaks in favour of past and totally against the present time. The first book of ‘Past and Present’ describes the writer’s observations about his own time e.g., Victorian era. The values of truth, sincerity, honesty and faith were vanishing in Victorian age. It was an age of ‘Mammon’ worship. There were no relations between rich and poor.   “Cash was the only bond between different people, the rich were engaged in the game of demand and supply, and profit and loss.”   Millions of the people were suffering because of insufficient wages. England was the richest country in the world but the people were unclothed and foodless. Feeling dissatisfied with the present condition of England, Carlyle sings the glory of the past. So, he devoted the second book of ‘Past and Present’ to an impressive description of past. It was an
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