Chinua Achebe was conscious of the invasion of Western culture on the easy-going Nigerian culture. Hence, his writings mostly reflect the imperialist and colonial biases of the West. Therefore, he is known as a giant of Postcolonial Literature. His famous novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ manifests cross cultural skirmishes particularly when a belligerent and hostile culture or civilization attacks on another culture or civilization. These very cultural clashes result in making the things fall apart. The White man (the commissioner who writes his book during his stay in Umuofia) has come to Umuofia in order to impose their system of justice and resultantly strangles the already existing democratic system of Nigeria. Actually, the West has developed a notion that people of Africa are not civilized enough to manage things for themselves. Therefore, they have come to this piece of peaceful land in order to teach them how to be civilized. On the other hand, the Africans claim that; ...
October 23, 2024
'Things Fall Apart' | Empire Writes Back to the Centre
Chinua Achebe was conscious of the invasion of Western culture on the easy-going Nigerian culture. Hence, his writings mostly reflect the imperialist and colonial biases of the West. Therefore, he is known as a giant of Postcolonial Literature. His famous novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ manifests cross cultural skirmishes particularly when a belligerent and hostile culture or civilization attacks on another culture or civilization. These very cultural clashes result in making the things fall apart. The White man (the commissioner who writes his book during his stay in Umuofia) has come to Umuofia in order to impose their system of justice and resultantly strangles the already existing democratic system of Nigeria. Actually, the West has developed a notion that people of Africa are not civilized enough to manage things for themselves. Therefore, they have come to this piece of peaceful land in order to teach them how to be civilized. On the other hand, the Africans claim that; ...
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