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Postcolonial Literature
'Things Fall Apart' | Okonkwo as a Tragic Hero
October 23, 2024

'Things Fall Apart' | Okonkwo as a Tragic Hero

  Chinua Achebe (1930-2013) was a great, prominent and eminent writer of Modern age. His famous novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ has been liked and appreciated on the ground that he has painted a realistic picture of the traditional lives of Black people and the invasion of the Whites in Africa with their motives of colonization. He has fabricated a marvelous story through the character of ‘Okonkwo’ who is a true follower of traditions of Igbo society in Umuofia, Nigeria, Africa. ‘Things Fall Apart’ is a tragedy in which the hero ‘Okonkwo’ dies in the end because of his tragic flaw i.e., rash provocation. In fact, his father ‘Unoka’ was a lazy man who did nothing in his life but borrowed money to spend on his friends and drinking. Consequently, his family spent a starving life. People used to call Okonkwo’s father an ‘Agbala’ e.g., eunuch for his laziness. Okonkwo did not like these deprivations. Therefore, he had made up his mind since his childhood that he would work hard to regain ...
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